Monday, November 23, 2009

Life and such

November has been a crazy month for us. Birthdays, jobs, retreats, holidays, etc. So, I guess I would like to know how it is that those things that should bring us joy, often cause us to lose sleep and stress out. Personally, I have been busy since the middle of October because I started teaching ESL again. It has been a wonderful experience, and I have loved it. However, it is different going to work each morning and leaving a child behind. Plus, I have had to learn how to manage the house and my job. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to only being at home after December 10.
So now the season of Advent is right around the corner. I love Advent because it is a season of hope and quietness. At least, it should be. Last year, my Advent season was the complete opposite. It was marked by rushing around, being stressed out, hurtful words, fake smiles and exhaustion. It is my prayer and intention this year, to take a a little time each day, and reflect on Christ coming over 2000 years ago, and Christ coming in the future. Am I preparing for the coming Messiah? Do my priorities reflect those things that are really important in life? I find that Thanksgiving is a perfect time to revisit the last year with thanksgiving, so that I can look forward to all that is ahead during Advent.