One thing that I think characterizes our culture and our generation is wanting to have everything immediately. Instead of saving our coins for something, we use a credit card. Instead of preparing a nutrient rich meal, we opt for greasy fries and a burger. (Or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the freezer section at the grocery store. What!?)
As much as I would not like to be part of this trend, I find myself getting sucked into it. I compare what I have, or rather what I don't have, to people around me. Two nights ago, I was feeling a little down because I had let myself get pulled into the comparing game. I was not content. I did not have a thankful heart. After talking to Joey, I realized that I do have a lot to be thankful for: a house, AC, 2 cars, healthy kids, running water. I went to bed realizing my folly.
However, the next morning I woke up to find that our running water was gone. We actually still do not have running water that doesn't need to be boiled first. God has a wonderful sense of humor. So now, I am laughing and learning; and I have a thankful heart for the many blessings with which God has showered me.