Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super Moon

Due to cloud cover, we were not able to see the super moon at its biggest. However, once the clouds cleared out, we were able to spot it. My favorite part was getting Max out of bed and walking up our dark street to a spot where the tress were not in the way of the view.
The pictures are not 100% focused, but I did have to zoom it a lot to get these pics. I was actually pretty amazed I was able to zoom in as far as I did. I used to gaze at the moon as a teenager with my brother's Russian military binoculars while sitting our the balcony in Vienna. Last night became a special memory for me to be looking at the moon with Maxi. (He liked it, but he was a little scared being outside in the dark, sitting in the middle of the road.) I hope we have some more chances to look up at the sky and see how awesome, majestic and creative God is.

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