Monday, January 21, 2013

Why I Love Being a Mom/ Why I Love Having Boys

I find myself processing the hard and difficult parts of parenting quite often, so I have been meaning for a while to start writing down the things that I  L.O.V.E. about being a mom. Here is a start to an "in progress" list.

1. Dirt is not a crisis but a lifestyle.

2. Thus, bubble baths seem really productive. 

3. Cars and trains can entertain for a long time.

4. Too much energy?- Send them outside.

5. Imaginary battles and bad guys, but the good guys always prevail.

6. Bible stories of battles light a spark in their eyes.

7. Visible wonder of God when talking about his power and strength.

8. Clothing tends not to be a big deal (although there is the occasional shirt or superhero costume that must be worn until mom can’t stand the smell or stains.)

9. Even at age 5, mama’s kisses can make ouchies feel better.

10. Statements such as, “I wove your earwings!” or “Your my flower!”

11. When they pick flowers to put into my hair.

12. When they show their muscles and wait until you ooh and aah over them.

13. Truly believing they can fly and that they will go to college to be superheroes.

14. Snuggles.

15. Body humor of all kinds. (I'm sorry, but I find this hilarious.)

16. Knock knock jokes that don’t make any sense.

17. Curling up on the couch and reading and then reading some more.

18. Going to “The Special Drink Store” (aka Starbucks) and having a conversation with them.

19. Silly faces when taking pictures.

20. When they are excited about something they discovered, e.g., a burning sunset, a cement mixer on the road (or any construction vehicle for that matter), the moon, a star that must be Jupiter, an idea about how something works.

To be continued...

(What are some of your favorite aspects of being a mom?)

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