Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's all Max

Welcome Joseph Maximilian Ketcherside

This is the happiest day of our lives. Charissa is glowing with excitment to meet Max!

This is the happiest sad baby I've ever seen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Welcome to the "Jungle"

This should give you a taste of what Max's "real" room looks like. I'm going to the doctor this afternoon so hopefully we will have some news to pass along to you!

Friday, October 5, 2007


So the count down is on. We are finally in October and today was my last day at work!! :-) I went to the doctor on Wednesday, and she told me that I will probably not make it until the due date (Oct. 19)!! Since then, Joe and I have been getting things ready for Max's arrival. Joe is bouncing off the walls and is so cute to watch. He stayed up until 1 am the other night working in the nursery. This morning he called me at work to tell me that he was folding Max's clothes that we washed yesterday. We will keep you updated. Be listening for a phone call, cause it could happen at any time!
Love you all!!