Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness right now. Honestly I wish I would have this mindset more often, or that I would be more aware of all the things I can be thankful for. Today has started out great. We haven't done anything exciting, but I am completely content. I've got to hang out with my two precious boys, skype with my mom and dad, pay bills and bake bread with Max. Even though paying bills is not the most fun activity in the world, I actually enjoy doing it. By mailing of checks, I am reminded of how God is providing for us. Sometimes I mail them off asking God to provide for us and trying to trust him, and sometimes I am overflowing with gratitude for how he has provided. Today is such a day. Thank you, Jesus!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Zuch/Ketcherside Orchestra

While driving to the bank today, Max informed me of all the instruments that our family will play together.

Here's the line-up:

Violin- Max
Cellos- Mama and Opa
Flute- Uncle Mike
Trumpet- Daddy
Trombone- Will
Oboe- Rich
Clarinet- PopPop
Guitar- Omi
Tuba- Tati
Conductor and Singer- Gigi

So there you go! I bet you can't wait to hear us play.