Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Newest edition: William Chadrick Ketcherside

Will was born at 2:45 pm, January 29, 2010. He weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz, 21" long, and head is 14" circumference. My camera is at home and I am at the hospital ergo the pictures will be posted tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayer.


Monday, January 18, 2010


As I write the only sound I hear is the gentle rhythmic hum of the dishwasher. I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for it. Joey and I decided that it was time to purchase a dishwasher. It seemed like we were doing dishes all the time. Joey mentioned this to my grandparents, and they stepped in and purchased it for us for Christmas. It has made life so much easier, and I know it will be a huge help once Baby K arrives.
We just had a very nice evening with our friends. Once they left, I saw that the kitchen was in need of some attention because we made Austrian potato salad and Schnitzl. Both of which are awesome but can be messy. Usually, I would be overwhelmed by the mess, but just having the dishwasher made me want to clean up the kitchen so I wouldn't have that sinking feeling in the morning. You know, you wake up ready to start your new day. You are ready to tackle whatever the day holds, and then you walk into a kitchen that is in desperate need of some tender love and care.
So what is the point of this little glimpse into a mundane aspect of my life? I am thankful for the simple things in life. This evening we had great company, great food, a great brother who helped clean up the house, and a great dishwasher. I feel very blessed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Cramps, cramps and more cramps. Hmm, I can't wait to have this little guy finally come. He is due Jan. 30, so we are considered to be full term already. I have been having cramps ever since Friday. Some are Braxton Hicks, others are just the ones that make you feel gross and yucky, and then again others make my lower back tighten up. At this point I am choosing to believe that my body is getting ready to have this baby. I go to the midwife tomorrow, and it would be awesome to find out if things are already in the works. More to come later.

Christmas at the Beach

This year we were at Pawleys Island for Christmas. It was a special time because mom, dad and Mike are in the country and Gma and Gpa Zuch live there. It was so relaxing to get out of Columbia and spend the afternoons walking on the beach, feeling the cold wind nibble at your face. (It didn't really bite. This is South Carolina!) I was so relaxed, that had the baby decided he wanted out then and there, I would not have complained. I couldn't think of anything more beautiful and amazing than giving birth right there on the beach. Crazy, I know...
We were surprised by the amount of shells on the beach. The first few days we were there, it was covered with hundreds of star fish. More pictures of the holidays to come. I figured I get these ones posted while I was thinking about it.