Friday, December 11, 2009

"Women Preparing for the Promised One"

The Visitation- Jacopo Da Pontormo

Last weekend I was in a Christmas drama. It seems like it has been ages since I was any kind of dramatic performance (with the exception of when I am trying to explain something to my ESL students). The drama was called "Women Preparing for the Promised One." It was written by a very talented couple in our church, Walter and Bonnie Aebi. Basically, the play brought Old and New Testament women to life who either are directly in the line of Jesus, or were used in very intimate ways to help prepare for his coming. What struck me was how God met them in their sorrows and redeemed the heartache by using them for the coming of the Messiah. Sarah was barren and had to leave home and family for an unknown location. Was she afraid? I'm sure she was, but she chose to trust the God who had spoken to her husband. The result: a son and the beginning of a nation that would bring blessing to the rest of the world. Leah was the unloved wife who tried to win the affection and approval of her husband by the many children she had. Finally, after already having three boys, she looked to the Lord for blessing, and Judah was born, the father of the tribe that would produce King David, and then Jesus. Ruth was a foreigner, a childless widow and destitute. Yet she entrusted herself to the God of Israel and saw how God provided for every single need she had. In the end, she was a wife and a mother, fully taken care of. (Not to mention that she was the Great-Grandmother of King David.) Anna was the old woman, who spent every day in the temple praying, praising God and awaiting the arrival of the Promised One. She was married to her husband for only seven years, and then he died. After that her entire life was completely devoted to God. She saw and prophesied over the baby Messiah. Elizabeth was the old barren wife of the priest who had an encounter with Gabriel in the temple. Soon after, she became pregnant and had a son like the angel had said. John (the Baptist) grew up to prepare the way for Jesus. He was the one who called Jesus the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. Finally, Mary was the teenager chosen by God to be the mother of his son. Although her future was unclear, and she knew she would face slander, probably isolation from community and even the possibility of death, she willingly put herself into the hands of God. Not too long after all this took place Immanuel arrived. God with us! And that makes all the difference in this broken and bleeding world we live in.

Our advent retreat ended with the following benediction, written by Bonnie:

"May the Lord bless you as He has blessed his daughters through the ages.

May God give you
Anna's heart for worship
Sarah's joy at seeing that nothing is too difficult for God
Leah's courage to praise Him no matter what happens
Ruth's loyalty and sacrificial love
Elizabeth's faith to take God at His word
and Mary's readiness to serve Him no matter what the cost.

May His word and His promises dwell in your heart richly,
and may you believe that what the Lord has said to you will be accomplished.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life and such

November has been a crazy month for us. Birthdays, jobs, retreats, holidays, etc. So, I guess I would like to know how it is that those things that should bring us joy, often cause us to lose sleep and stress out. Personally, I have been busy since the middle of October because I started teaching ESL again. It has been a wonderful experience, and I have loved it. However, it is different going to work each morning and leaving a child behind. Plus, I have had to learn how to manage the house and my job. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to only being at home after December 10.
So now the season of Advent is right around the corner. I love Advent because it is a season of hope and quietness. At least, it should be. Last year, my Advent season was the complete opposite. It was marked by rushing around, being stressed out, hurtful words, fake smiles and exhaustion. It is my prayer and intention this year, to take a a little time each day, and reflect on Christ coming over 2000 years ago, and Christ coming in the future. Am I preparing for the coming Messiah? Do my priorities reflect those things that are really important in life? I find that Thanksgiving is a perfect time to revisit the last year with thanksgiving, so that I can look forward to all that is ahead during Advent.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Settling Down for Bed...or Not.

Max's favorite song right now is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. He realized tonight that one of his toys actually plays it. However, if he slams the lid of the toy shut, it stops playing and says, "Good-bye!" Btw, it was about 45 minutes past his bed time. Enjoy! :-)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2- Year- Old Pics

Here are some of Max's 2-year-old shots. Jay and Amy Elkins did a great job once again. If you are interested in their work, check out I don't really know which pic is my favorite one yet. I can't believe he is almost 2. Although his birthday is the 16th, we won't be celebrating until Omi and Opa get back in town. What a special treat that they get to be here for a birthday party!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mike Performing and Marching

Here is a clip from Mike's first performance with his band. Not bad, eh?!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Oh, the joys of having a two-year- old. (Well, almost two.) Max continues to make us laugh at the various comments that come out of his sweet little lips. One of them I cannot mention on the blog, but if you are interested, give me a call. :-)
Some of the others include calling me "Chwissa," instead of "Mama;" and pointing out that I need to wipe my nose by pointing at it and saying "booders." He also seems to think that he is having a sister and not a brother. Everytime I ask him who the baby is in the picture he says, "sista." We practice over and over that it is baby brother, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Maybe he knows something we don't know. (But if you look at the pic I posted earlier, I'd say it is pretty obvious that it's a boy growing inside, not a baby sister.)
Baby K is growing and kicking, always letting me know that he is around, too. He had a hitting contest with his Uncle Mike a few days ago. Mike would poke my belly, and Baby K would kick right back. It was amazing to feel and watch. Baby K also seems to like to migrate around a lot. Sometimes he is on my back and blatter (something Max hardly ever did), and sometimes he is up in my ribs (something Max loved to do).
I was a little sad about not having a girl this time, but the thought of having two boys is rather exciting. I have always seen myself as a boy mama. This should be quite an adventure. I am very thankful that I have the blessing of being able to stay home with my boys. To be perfectly honest, it has taken me almost two years to get to this point. (I was thankful before, but God has been doing some amazing work in my heart regarding staying at home.) I can now finally say, that I feel like I am at peace at home, and I can't wait to see it flourish under God's mighty hand. Well, this post ended up being longer than expected. Until next time! C

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Here are the newest pics of our newest addition. In stark contrast to Max, this baby refused to show his face. We think he may be a little shy...
However, he was so busy hiding his face, he completely forgot about other parts of his body.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Belly at 18 weeks

I realized the other day, that I need to start taking belly pics to document the growth of Baby K. I think I look bigger in this pic than what I usually do because 1. it was after dinner, and 2. I am arching my back. It could just be that I am in denial about the belly's size though!! We go in for an ultrasound next Wed. If Baby cooperates we will be able to let everyone know if Baby K is a he or a she. Max does not really understand what is going on yet. However, he does like to snuggle and give my belly kisses every time he sees it. Yesterday, he also developed a fascination with baby bottles. I have no idea where that one came from. But I guess his little mind is trying to process what he is hearing.

Friday, September 4, 2009

From Wild Fro to Donald Trump

Lately, Max's hair has been getting wildly out of control. His strawberry locks do need a trim, but we just haven't gotten around to it yet. However, Joey does seem to have found a solution to the tangled jungle on top of Max's head...a comb right after bath time. I can't tell if the solution is any better! Hmm.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Little of This and That

Mother's Day
Just being silly and showing off that belly again.

Max and Dexter watching "Curious George."
George gives me the chance to get a shower or get something done around the house.

Abby and Max at the Philadelphia Zoo. I guess Max thought the carrot was real.

Max's first camel ride with Opa at the Philli Zoo.

Introducing...Baby K

Joey and I are proud to finally let the word out that Baby #2 is on the way. He/She is 13weeks old, and quite a bundle of energy already. The ultrasound showed images of hickups, thumb-sucking and acrobatics. Mom can't feel any of this yet, but that will come soon enough!
(Notice this baby already seems to have Joey's hairline, too!!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

monkey bars

max found out that there is more to a playground than just slides and sand!!

1st outing to the zoo

Max liked seeing all the animals. He doesn't show much emotion in these pictures, but he really enjoys looking at them now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Fun Day

Yesterday we went to Davis' 1st birthday party, and these are some of the events of the day. The entire time Max was on the swing he was saying, "weeeeee...!"
At first he wasn't too sure about all the water, but by the time we had to leave, he was shivering, had purple lips, and was laughing like crazy. :-)
I think the water hose at home, prepared him for this wild adventure.

All the boys with their dads.