Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shots from the new camera

Will is discovering his voice. Yesterday I tried taking a nap since Uncle Mik is here for a few more weeks and could watch Will for me. The nap really didn't happen because little man here kept yelling. He wasn't unhappy. He just wanted to make those cool sounds.
My little stud.

Monday, July 19, 2010

All Aboard the Potty Train

Today was a potty first. I was thrown out of the bathroom. That's right. My son wanted privacy. After maybe 1 minute of time to himself, he pooped. No tears, no drama; just business. Of course we celebrated. And then the statement: "It's a Misaurus, mom." Yep, he thought it looked like a dinosaur. I don't know what it is called, but I definitely knew which one he meant. It has a long tail, with spikes at the end.
All that to say:
Here's to you, Max. Mama is proud of you (and your dinosaur.)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Will is Teaching Me About God.

This evening I understood something about God a little bit more. I was sitting on the couch nursing Will, and he was looking up at me with those beautiful eyes that make my heart just melt. He is really into grabbing things as of late, so the object of interest was my hand, specifically my fingers. Sometimes he pulled them close to his face, then he would push them away, and then grab them again. It struck me that I often do that with God. I draw close and then push away. When I realize that I am in need, I draw close again. But the amazing thing is that God's closeness to me never changes just like my closeness to Will never changes, regardless of what he is doing with my hand. I am there, holding my son close to my heart and providing for his emotional and physical needs while I nurse him. Doesn't God do the same? This evening I learned that drawing near to God can take the form of soaking in his presence.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

All Aboard The Potty Train

Potty training has been an interesting experience for us. Max did so well when we first started seriously potty training. However, we went backwards quite a bit after our initial success. Part of the reason was that he has always had a hard time with number 2.
But I am pleased to announce that we might have had a break through this week. He has gone number 2 in the potty twice this week!!! I was screaming for joy both times. The second time around he did the whole thing like he was a professional. I still can't believe it. I am so thankful for Skype because my mom and dad helped with the entire process. My dad actually told Max that before he could ride the U-Bahn in Vienna, he had to go poopy in the potty. Who knew that the solution to all of our potty training woes could be found in the title of my blog posts, "All Aboard the Potty Train," which actually means: "poop in the potty or no train rides!" I think the M&Ms helped quite a bit, too. I'm sure this process is not yet over, but I had to share the excitement.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Bye Old Friend

It finally happened. After being melted, dropped countless times, sucked on, pulled apart, lost, sat on, stepped on, and riding around in one of the most dangerous places in the world, namely a diaper bag, our dear little camera is no more. Sadly, I discovered that Max pulled the last little tiny tab off the bottom of the camera, which held the battery in place. So what this exactly means, I do not know. I would like to think an upgrade. However, that might take a little while to happen. In the mean time I'm going to try to get all of the pictures off of the old camera, and start posting some really cute pics of the boys.
Good Bye little Sony Cyber-Shot. We've made some good memories together.