Friday, September 28, 2012

The Dominican Republic

 Bath time.

 The Tree of Fire
 We made it up the mountain!

 The little guy in the plaid is Elvis, and he has the most infectious laugh. Be on the lookout for him in pro baseball 20 years from now because that kid can throw!

 Teenage girls really are not that different regardless of what country you are in.

 Rainbow rocks for Max. All of them were at the riverbank where we went swimming. It still blows my mind, that all of these colors were in one place.
 Last morning in Boma. How I miss the sound of rain on a tin roof!
 This is the family with which we stayed.
 Our house in Jarabacoa, where we stayed two nights.
I intend on writing more in detail about my experience in the DR, but for now let me just say that I was very blessed by being in a place where I could take in the incredible beauty of nature, childhood, and culture without having to look after my little ones. It was such a luxury to be able to take pictures unhurriedly.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Simple Grace

He was screaming uncontrollably. I was beyond exhausted and Joey was still working at the Olive Garden. Max was tiny, and would not nap. Nothing would soothe him, and I had no clue what else to do. I called Joey, and was probably crying myself. Once he arrived home, he was able to settle me down, and Max did eventually fall asleep.

Fast forward a month shy of five years, and I find myself exhausted once again. I didn’t sleep well last night. I had too much on my mind. This morning my brain was in a fog, so I told Max that I needed to take a nap. So I set the boys up with a movie, and my little man occasionally checked in on me, prevented his brother from waking me up completely, and graced me with some time just to sleep. Max is such a blessing. God has used him to stretch me and grow me, and shower me with his grace. I am humbled by what a wonderful child Max is turning out to be, and I am in awe of how God is shaping and molding the tender heart of my son.