Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Will is Teaching Me About God.

This evening I understood something about God a little bit more. I was sitting on the couch nursing Will, and he was looking up at me with those beautiful eyes that make my heart just melt. He is really into grabbing things as of late, so the object of interest was my hand, specifically my fingers. Sometimes he pulled them close to his face, then he would push them away, and then grab them again. It struck me that I often do that with God. I draw close and then push away. When I realize that I am in need, I draw close again. But the amazing thing is that God's closeness to me never changes just like my closeness to Will never changes, regardless of what he is doing with my hand. I am there, holding my son close to my heart and providing for his emotional and physical needs while I nurse him. Doesn't God do the same? This evening I learned that drawing near to God can take the form of soaking in his presence.

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